Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Developments so far:

Saturday, 3/2/2013: God gave us the green light that adoption was what we were supposed to do: I stood folding clothes in my laundry room talking to a friend, and she shared a story she heard of God miraculously providing the money a family needed to adopt. As she spoke, I got the "God chills" (AKA Holy Spirit came upon me), and I knew God was telling me this was for me!

Saturday Evening, (3/2/2013): We attended an information about adoption meeting at Savannah Christian Church with their 
"Love One" Ministry. We learned a whole lot about all the different types of adoptions, and we heard first hand accounts from many families that have adopted in a variety of ways. After staying to ask questions, and then going to dinner with several of the families, peace came, as well as a feeling we were ready to move forward!

Sunday, 3/3/2013: After God prompted us to share with our church congregation, we shared the news in front of our entire church family! Then we rushed home to share the news with our 6 year old Will and our 4 year old Jackson (whom we hadn't told yet, because we were not thinking we would need to share the news so soon). We showed them videos about adoption on YouTube & answered their questions. I don't think they really understand this all yet. . .neither do we! Then, we spent the afternoon quickly completing all the paperwork for the adoption application with CCAI and. . .we faxed it off. Then we spent the evening telling and calling our extended family.

Monday, 3/4/13-Present: We are doing everything we can to mobilize fundraising. Matthew is talking to business contacts, collecting gift cards, planning a raffle, and garage sale.  I am working diligently on brochures, blogs (ha!ha!), business card sized handouts, grant applications, and setting up & getting the word out about our GoFundMe donation page.

All the while, we are praying & asking everyone we know to pray, because with God, all things are possible!

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