Sunday, October 20, 2013

Successful Second Garage Sale

It was a long hard couple if days getting ready & putting on our second Garage Sale. A big thank you to Holly Richburg, Will Barnes, Glover Manning, Bill & Ann Marie for all there help with the garage Sale!!! We really appreciate it! 

We had 27 tables full, 5 clothes racks & the ground was covered with bags and boxes of stuff to sell! We set all that up Friday and LUCKILY we covered it all with plastic sheeting because, OF COURSE it rained overnight. So even though we had a few leaks, the stuff faired well!

It wasn't nearly a perfect situation, but we ended up making an additional $900 for The Make a Way for Michal fund! We praise God for any and all amounts God provides through any avenue, because He is God & this is His plan. He promised He will provide and He has & will continue to! 

We now have $10,000 of the total $25,000 that is need!!!!

September 2,2013 was 6 mths that we have been working on this & we have 6-8ths left before we travel to China! So, we feel we are right on track!

Please keep praying for us & bless God for all He is doing! Pray for Michal. Pray for her safety. Pray for her to be well feed, cared for and loved. Pray for us as God grows our love for our daughter! Pray for him to prepare the heart of her brothers, Will and Jackson and the rest of her extended family!

God planned for her to be part of our family before time began! His love is  AMAZING!

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