Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wow! Things are happening FAST!

We just found Michal last week and we got word today that we already have our "soft LOA" (emailed copy). That is amazing!! 
The permanent LOA should be here within DAYS!!! 
The LOA stands for: The letter seeking confirmation from adopter. 

The LOA is the true green light for all the dates and events to come. This is a ball, that once it starts rolling, will keep rolling FAST!

One friend that is traveling to China this week said they are traveling 8 weeks after they got LOA. So, we have to get on board and hold on tight for this ride. 

SO MUCH TO DO! We have to prepare her room, have at least one baby shower, and finish some fundraising!
We still need to raise about $7,300, so if you would like to donate please click donate on the right side of the screen, use our Go Fund Me Link:
or to make a tax deductible donation, you can still give to our Both Hands Account 

 For those of used to waiting 19 mths. 

Things changing DAILY is different to say the least!! 

I was just sent some immigration papers yesterday, and thought I had at least until the weekend to complete them. Umm. NOPE. Today I got the "soft LOA" email and they told me they want the papers sent to Colorado (our adoption agence home office) NOW! So, after a full days work, and a rush dinner with the family, I am filling out tons of immigration paperwork. Hurriedly, but Happily! Waiting makes the heart grow fonder in this case!

We also compiled and mailed Michal her first care package today!!

We got the release to send her stuff Monday at 10:30pm. In a day and a half we bought the stuff, compiled it, got pictures of all our immediate and extended family members (thank you Facebook), printed them, went to the store to pick them up, put them in an album, labeled each picture with both English and Chinese labels, put all of it together, took it to the post office, and shipped it!!!

I am proud of us!

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