Sunday, October 27, 2013

Silent Auction

Just in time for you to pick up great holiday gifts, we are having a silent auction at 
B & D burgers on Congress St. 
Dec 10th.
6:30 pm

Please mark your calendar!

If you have a business, product or service you are willing to donate, please let us know ASAP:

Bethany: (912) 844-4583 or
Matthew: (912) 844-4566

Thank you!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Paper mountain!

The work--about an hour at the UP Store copying EVERYTHING x4 for the final paperwork push and adoption grant applications.

The fruits of my labor!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Successful Second Garage Sale

It was a long hard couple if days getting ready & putting on our second Garage Sale. A big thank you to Holly Richburg, Will Barnes, Glover Manning, Bill & Ann Marie for all there help with the garage Sale!!! We really appreciate it! 

We had 27 tables full, 5 clothes racks & the ground was covered with bags and boxes of stuff to sell! We set all that up Friday and LUCKILY we covered it all with plastic sheeting because, OF COURSE it rained overnight. So even though we had a few leaks, the stuff faired well!

It wasn't nearly a perfect situation, but we ended up making an additional $900 for The Make a Way for Michal fund! We praise God for any and all amounts God provides through any avenue, because He is God & this is His plan. He promised He will provide and He has & will continue to! 

We now have $10,000 of the total $25,000 that is need!!!!

September 2,2013 was 6 mths that we have been working on this & we have 6-8ths left before we travel to China! So, we feel we are right on track!

Please keep praying for us & bless God for all He is doing! Pray for Michal. Pray for her safety. Pray for her to be well feed, cared for and loved. Pray for us as God grows our love for our daughter! Pray for him to prepare the heart of her brothers, Will and Jackson and the rest of her extended family!

God planned for her to be part of our family before time began! His love is  AMAZING!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We got our docs from Sec. Of State

After a several weeks wait. . .We got the packet with all our documents back from the Sec. Of State today!!! That only leaves the 797 that we need back from the Sec. Of State--it went out a day later than everything else--we should have that my the first of next week. So, we will go ahead and get everything ready to go out to the Chinese Consalate in Houston, TX.

 Once that is completed,all our documents are sealed and ready for one last check by our adoption agency, CCAI before they go to China!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Woo Hoo! I-797 Received!

After a long wait and one Request For Additional information (apparently they overlooked our birth certificates when they were going through our paperwork the first time),we received our I-797 approval from US Citizenship and Immigration Services today!! That means we have been approved to adopt a child from out of the country!
That is also the last document we needed to complete ALL The documents for our dossier. After the Secretary of State told us we didn't have the correct birth certificate, I ordered the correct birth certificates and had them mailed directly to the Secretary of State. To date, we still don't have confirmation that the Secretary of State received them. We are going through all the hoops right now trying to find out where the birth certificates are. 

Matthew will be running around town tomorrow having 797 notarized , then going to the county courthouse to have them sign off on it, and then off to the post office to overnight it to the Secretary of State. Hopefully, our birth certificates will also turn up at the Secretary of State tomorrow. After all the documents get to the Secretary of State, they will have them authenticated and back to us in just a day or two. From there they will be heading to Houston to the Chinese consulate. We should have them back from there in about a week. Then everything will go to CCAI in Atlanta & They will send it off to China in a matter of days!!

We should be matched by no later than Christmas!!

We are getting close now!