Sunday, March 17, 2013

He has been faithful. I will be faithful!

It has been amazing to watch God begin to stir people, to move their hearts! 
To see people start to seek to understand & know what God is doing with this adoption!

Thank you 
to each any everyone of you that have prayed, given, and/or shared this information with someone!

The next information I will share, is a really important piece in explaining why us? Why now?

HEALTH STRUGGLES 2012: Many of you may know of the struggles I had in 2012 with sickness. I have struggles with allergies, sinus, & low immune system for my entire adult life. Others would feel a little bad, take a day or two of rest & recover. I would feel a little low and know I might as well go ahead and make my doctor's appointment because a sinus infection/ Bronchitis WOULD come. For the past 4 years, if anything was going around, I would catch it. I got the Flu two years in a row and one of those years I had the Swine Flu too. In March of 2012 I got the Flu & I was trying to drive to work sick, because I have to support my family financially.  I was feeling so bad, I almost lost consciousness on Truman Parkway. An Ambulance had to pick me up from Zaxby's in Sandfly, GA. That was awake up call. 

From that March until September 2012. I had test after test run. Blood work, EKG. I went to Immediate Med twice. I went to my regular doctor and Gynocologist. They could not figure out what was wrong with me. I almost overdosed myself with vitamins A, D & Zinc trying to stay well enough to stay at work and provide for my family.

FINALLY one Sunday in September of 2012,  I prayed quietly in my pew that God would promise me I would not die & leave my kids as orphans and my husband a widower, answers started to flow

I diagnosed with Asthma in September 2012. A CT scan of my sinuses was completed in November 2012 which revealed that my sinuses were completely blocked and hardened, and I had a severe deviated septum. I had felt so tired, dizzy and short of breath for so long. Surgery was scheduled!

God brought healing through a complete change in our diet. We now eat Gluten Free & pretty Paleo (fruits, veggies, meats, very low carb, low sugar, very little refined foods, no fried foods). I have been told for 5 years I should stop eating wheat because of my troubles with Eczema, but I just would not give in until all of this happened. We gave up dairy at least 5 years ago, but I didn't want to let go of wheat.  . .with all these troubles,  I was ready to do ANYTHING to feel better! Bye, Bye wheat! When you think you are dying, you WILL change!!

For weeks between diagnosis and surgery, I wore a little plastic strip inside my nose to help me breath well enough to just continue to function.

Then finally, my surgery was completed by the very capable & talented Dr. David Oliver on 12/2012! 

After that, it took 6-8 weeks to ween myself off the steroids the doctors kept me on from September to December when my surgery took place.

My Asthma stopped!!
The doctors think, the constant sinus drainage was causing bronchial spasms--Asthma. 
Without the drainage, there is not Asthma!!!!

 God restored my life!! 
He restored my life because, I asked Him too! 
He restored my life to show He loves me! 
He restored my life so I can serve Him and bring glory to Him more fully!

Because God loves me and because He gave everything for me. . .
I WILL serve Him fully!
I WILL give Him glory fully!
I WILL follow Him to the ends of the earth.
I WILL GO TO CHINA and rescue 1 little girl!
I will do it, because my daddy asked me to!

He is LOVE! 
He allowed me to be born in the richest country on this earth
 to CHRISTIAN parents!
He gave me salvation when I was 5 years old.
He restored me physically when I was 33!
He gave me life 3 time!
I am going to give this little girl life, and life more abundantly!
I am  going to bring her to a Christian family in the richest country in the world.
I WILL pray for her every night & I believe she will receive salvation & eternal life! How cool is that?


Let Him love you! 
Believe He is loving & mighty!
 Believe He will save you, provide for you, make your life great! 
Believe He loves you! 
You are precious in His sight!

What a Savior!

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