Steps Remaining in our Paperwork Process
Our visa applications were sent out yesterday. So, I was looking to see how many steps we have left before the paperwork process is completed for us to get Travel Approval (TA) to go to China.
I feel excited and a little nervous at the same time when I realize there are not very many steps remaining!
We are waiting on our I-800 Provisional Approval (PA). This could come any time between now and two more weeks.
Then, 5-7 days latter we get our National Visa Center letter (NVC).
Next, our DS-260 is delivered to the US consulate. NVC letter & DS-260 goes to CCAI (adoption agency) and the express mail it to Beijing.
Two weeks after our documents are received in China, we will be issued and article 5 (U.S Central Authority's approval for Hague Adoption).
One and a half to three weeks after article 5 we get Travel Approval (TA).
And finally, we will travel to China 10 to 21 days after TA!!!
Building and entire girls wardrobe is challenging. . . Especially when you don't know what sizes she wears.
We are going with 12-18 mths clothes and sizes 5-6 shoes